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For aspiring politicians

Empowering Dreams, Enabling Futures in Digital Media

Empowering Dreams, Enabling Futures in Digital Media



We alter norms.

ASKJINGO PROJECTS was founded by Coach Jingo, a former OFW turned into a Facebook Ad Strategist & her dedicated circle of friends.

After seeing the demand for social media marketers and the number of Filipinos who aspire to learn this skill but lack financial capability and then seeing deserving political candidates with weak political marketing approaches, she crafted a project that addresses the issue.

We receive more than 100 scholarship

applications nationwide daily

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Digital Youth-topia Young Group of Friends Outdoors
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"To establish a program that levels the playing field for aspiring politicians, empowering them to compete effectively against established figures, while simultaneously nurturing passionate individuals in the realm of digital media.

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"Seeing Filipinos excel in the global freelancing scene isn't just a goal; it's also recognizing our people's resilience, talent, and enormous potential. Additionally, it's about transforming the landscape of election campaigns in our nation."

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If you are an aspiring politician,

we are the organization you must help.

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What we do:

Woman Looking at the Display Screen at the Photo of People

"We meticulously choose and vet individuals to take part in a training program led by certified professionals, with the goal of nurturing them into future Filipino digital experts."

Man and Woman Near Table

"We proactively engage with potential sponsors who can join us in our mission, crafting mutually beneficial partnerships that prioritize reciprocity and support for both parties."

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"We provide education under the guidance of top-tier coaches and mentors, equipping them with essential resources to enhance their proficiency in the field with maximum efficiency with special attention to crafting an effective marketing technique for election season to help deserving politicians."

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What we offer:

A newspaper on a desk with the headline Press Release

"We introduce you to your constituents by creating attention-grabbing press releases that outline your plans for the community.

In each region, we endorse only one candidate, except when multiple officials are needed. Our support is steadfast."

Social media marketing network communication mobile phone app

"When you support us, we'll regularly post content on four social media platforms to keep your name fresh in the minds and hearts of your audience, building loyalty over time."

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • Youtube

Businessman holding a foldable smartphone, social media concept

"We offer comprehensive strategic guidance to assist you in navigating the campaign trail and connecting with voters effectively. From crafting compelling messaging to implementing innovative campaign strategies, we'll ensure you stand out as the preferred candidate."

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What’s in it for you?

From zero to hero concept. Hand turns a dice and changes the word "zero" to "hero".

"Join those who make a real difference. Imagine helping someone whose new knowledge brightens the lives of everyone they care about, shaping their futures and those of their families and the country."

happy woman hand in heart

"Filipinos still value the concept of 'utang na loob,' although not everyone adheres to it, but it remains a significant part of our culture for many."

Top View Photo of Group of People Using Macbook While Discussing

"Picture having a dedicated team supporting you by spreading positive messages to uphold your reputation throughout the election period. It's crucial to emphasize that these individuals are not trolls; they are highly trained scholars."

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Our dedicated project volunteers & members




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Comments from our Supporters

These were some of our earliest supporters who believed in us from the start.

Joey M.

A brilliant idea, no one has ever come up with. Kudos to the founder and co-founders. This is something.

Ma. Isabelle C.

Education is one of the keys to becoming self-sustainable, and providing training in digital media that gives hands-on experience is truly promising.

Lucy D.

The overall concept, the structure and the flow are well planned. I don’t see any reason for it not to be taken seriously. Great, great idea!

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Get Involved

"ASKJINGO PROJECTS is open to collaborating with individuals, corporations, and institutions who share our vision. Whether through financial support, mentorship, or volunteering, together, we can significantly impact the lives of aspiring Filipino digital media professionals.

With a simple gesture and a leap of faith, you can make a difference. This will benefit not only your future aspirations but also those of the recipients. There's no better time to start than now.


email chief of operations


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